The Báb and the Bábi Community of Iran
A Memorial Volume on the Occasion of the Bicentenary of the Bab’s Birth
The book contains 10 chapters each written by a scholar in this field.
The importance of this unique work cannot be overstated. Firstly because it is a lasting tribute of our generation to the Báb’s bicentenary birth, and secondly because of its original and novel contents on the Bab and the Babi community of Iran.
The book reveal the emergence of a new religion in nineteenth century Iran and its revolutionary teachings that with the passion and sacrifice of its adherents gradually penetrated Iranian society. Despite more than one and a half centuries of violent persecution, this religion not only continued to exist but also transformed and spread beyond the borders of Iran in the form of the Baha’i Faith.
At a time when there is an active attempt at historical revisionism by the Iranian Government in order to erase the past from the collective memory, preserving this cultural heritage and familiarization of the Iranian people with these events is especially important. This book is a contribution to this end so that enlightened thinkers might better appreciate the historical truth independent of the false and hateful narratives against the Babis and Baha’is that certain Shia clerics and their followers have spread over more than a century and half.